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How to Create a Modernised Bedroom

modern bedroom

The idea of a sleek and minimal bedroom is in high demand; even more so than ever before. It’s the minimalist aesthetic that we believe drives most people towards a modernised bedroom design as the idea of extra clutter and objects may make a bedroom unsettling or excessive. Much like office space, it is wise to keep a bedroom clean and maintained, as it can contribute towards your headspace. A messy and unorganised office space results in the surrounding space affecting your output reducing mind stimulation, and the same influence applies to a bedroom. A bedroom should be a place in which you unwind and relax in comfort; if bundles of mess and clutter surround you whilst in this headspace, it can result in your mind becoming disorderly and chaotic which is not how you should feel within this environment. This is why modern design is highly favoured. Stay tuned as we discuss the essentials for a modern bedroom space. 

A low platform style of bed  

Several social media interior design pages are showcasing an unusually low style of bed in their pictures when it comes to creating a modernised bedroom. This is because this style does not only look flat and sleek however, it creates additional space within the room, which adds to the openness of the modern design objective. With lowness to the bed, the height of the room is accentuated which is perfect for a room that lacks high ceilings. Alongside this, clutter reduction is minimalised as there is less storage space. Quite often, homeowners who purchase a high style, upholstered bed will select a piece that offers additional storage facilities with drawer space or lift-up ottoman storage. Sure, this is ok as it is not necessarily on show however, individuals, particularly females tend to pull out clothes and accessories and leave them lying around the room. We believe that it is much easier to get rid of anything you simply do not require to reduce any future mess from occurring, and a low style of bed is perfect in assisting with clear-outs and clutter reduction.  

Make use of the wall space 

Just because we are aiming to achieve a minimal look does not mean that we need to keep the walls bare and untouched. In fact, due to the low bed frame, the wall space above the bed is maximised. Use this wall as a feature wall by adding some textured paint or abstract wallpaper, or place a large canvas or wall clock to dominate the space above your bed area. Alongside this, ensure that you free up wall space for your flat-screen TV. This is an entertainment facility that the modernised bedroom must-have! Gone are the days of watching Netflix on your laptop or smartphone. Once wall mounting the TV, add bias lighting behind the TV screen, this will reflect onto the wall and is extremely beneficial in contributing to the illumination of the room, particularly within the evening hours. It provides a striking backlight to the TV to make the room look extra futuristic. For TV wall mounting assistance, click here.  


Ottomans are fairly modern pieces of furniture; therefore, it is perfect to include them in your contemporary setting. If you have not heard of an ottoman, they are a piece of furniture with no back or arms that are generally used for decoration, as a stool, a chair, or for storage purposes. Dependent on the room size, they can be placed in the middle of the room to utilise space, perhaps in between the bedding area and dressing area, placed at the end of the bed to add to the furnishing, or even used at a dressing table as both a storage concept and a chair. They are such versatile pieces that they simply look great when placed anywhere in the modernised bedroom. We would advise ensuring that the ottoman fabric interlinks with the fabric of the bed, and the surrounding colours of the room to ensure that the space is kept consistent, however, if you prefer to think out with the box and love a bold look, then ottomans can be purchased in abstract and funky designs with patterns and textures that stand out. This is sure to be a key piece within the room, making it pop! 


Again, the minimal and neutral bedroom design will not need to be completely bare. However, restricting the overuse of accessories is vital to ensure that you don’t over clutter. If your bed is placed in the middle of your room, try to be symmetric when it comes to your bedside table. You kight need a laptop table. Ensure that your lamps are matching, and make sure that objects and accessories are also proportioned, for example, a candle on one side and a plant on the other. It is vital to establish a balance when it comes to accessorising, as one bedside cabinet filled with objects and the other left bare will create an inconsistent and jumbled-up look. As well as bedside accessories, incorporating a few shelves for plants or using drawer surfaces for objects such as vases, plants, or stacked books will also contribute effortlessly towards the modern design.  

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